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Suicide Squad 2 - Movie Review

Streaming: HBOMAX Suicide Squad 1 was one of the finest DC movies(Minus Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy) to come out from their camp. Do not go by the reviews. It was so well received that Harley Quinn had her own movie. Now cut to Suicide Squad 2 with the famous James Gunn from Marvel camp at the helm, it barely meets the expectations.  Marvel made it seem so easy to write a super hero movie in super entertaining fashion with movies like Winter Soldier, Thor Ragnorak, Guardians of the Galaxy etc. But DC thought all they needed was the guy who directed Guardians to sell Suicide Squad. Oh my oh my how they were wrong. In one phrase, Suicide Squad is a gross mess that shines few times and far in between. Suicide Squad is no Guardians, not even close. The screenplay is messy. The visuals are gross but it aint Kill Bill. Kill Bill romanticizes with violence but Suicide Squad tries to romanticize with gross elements. To say the least, it doesn't work in favor of the movie. Idris Elba is...

Snow White and the Huntsman - Review

The basics of this movie are wrong. When you have Charlize Theron in the movie and when you already know Snow White is fairer only at heart than the evil queen, why would you make Kristen Stewart the poster girl? No one expected any level of acting brilliance from the wooden faced Kristen but why would you let the Oscar winner Charlize scream and ham it up in the evil role. Anybody with the basic idea of the Snow White story can easily lose track of where this is heading half way through. Lot of unwanted props including the Huntsman and what's with the fairies. Huntsman could have easily been William. The basic premise of Snow White tale is taken and the writers tried to weave an epic of a script but failed in humongous size. Chris Hemworth fights like Thor even in this. Brother of the queen is the only guy who acted well in the movie. I know that the Julia Robert's version is also not a classic but I would pick that over this one any day until Tim Burton decides to cast Johnny Depp as evil queen and Emma Stone/Watson as Snow White. Until that day avoid both the Snow Whites if you can.


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