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Suicide Squad 2 - Movie Review

Streaming: HBOMAX Suicide Squad 1 was one of the finest DC movies(Minus Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy) to come out from their camp. Do not go by the reviews. It was so well received that Harley Quinn had her own movie. Now cut to Suicide Squad 2 with the famous James Gunn from Marvel camp at the helm, it barely meets the expectations.  Marvel made it seem so easy to write a super hero movie in super entertaining fashion with movies like Winter Soldier, Thor Ragnorak, Guardians of the Galaxy etc. But DC thought all they needed was the guy who directed Guardians to sell Suicide Squad. Oh my oh my how they were wrong. In one phrase, Suicide Squad is a gross mess that shines few times and far in between. Suicide Squad is no Guardians, not even close. The screenplay is messy. The visuals are gross but it aint Kill Bill. Kill Bill romanticizes with violence but Suicide Squad tries to romanticize with gross elements. To say the least, it doesn't work in favor of the movie. Idris Elba is

Safe House review

This is what happens if a great actor like Denzel Washington gives into temptations, that too a temptation to act in Bourne genre movie. No second arguments, the movie is in-your-face kind of copy of Bourne series. What's with the three CIA officials that resemble the CIA heads from each of the 3 Bourne series movies. You name it Safe house and put Ryan Reynolds to do the distraction but still it does not work. This is work of all those people who wanted to act/work in Bourne series but could not.

Sad part is with a setup like Safe house and two guys alive they would have easily remade Assault on Precinct 13 but too much of Bourne influence to do car accidents, jumping on roof tops, hard punches, etc messed it up big time. All this hype about Frost and in the end he shoots only two people before getting shot. It kind of makes us doubt how he even survived so long. Even the name Safe House is not justified enough except that movie starts in one and ends in another.

Good part about the movie is the action, I might dare do the blasphemy of saying it's as good as Bourne series. But main plus of Bourne is it's screenplay. Denzel looked too much over confident in this movie. It's high time he chooses to underplay. His stardom is not similar to that of Tom Cruise but it's similar to that of De Niro and Tom Hanks. Ryan Reynolds did good job though.

On a whole a good cast gone waste.


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